Sunday 10 August 2008

Launch Of NHS Constitutional Advisory Forum, UK

�A group of leading health figures will advise the Department of
Health on how to most effectively pursue people in the consultation
process for the NHS Constitution, Health Minister and Joint Chair
Ivan Lewis announced late.

The Constitutional Advisory Forum (CAF), which includes
representatives from the NHS, local government, the third sector and
early organisations, testament engage with the public, staff and
stakeholders throughout the summer before presenting its last report
to the Secretary of State for Health later in the yr.

The draft Constitution was published on 30 June 2008 and aims to
enshrine the principles and values of the NHS for the future. It has
been developed as part of Lord Darzi's review of the NHS and the
views of NHS staff and patients have contributed to the draft

The CAF is encouraging as many people as possible to participate in
the consultation taking position this summer. They will be look at
on the job with a number of groups to get a wide range of views on the
Constitution, from NHS and local government agency community, patient role and
populace groups through to pickings the consultation into schools to get
views from young people on how the Constitution will affect them.

Health Minister and CAF Joint Chair Ivan Lewis aforesaid:

"The NHS Constitution is about safeguarding the core principles and
values of the NHS for the next generation. The draught Constitution has
been developed based on discussions with thousands of NHS stave and
patients across the country. We've created the CAF to ensure that the
concluding Constitution strengthens the foundations of the NHS noneffervescent

NHS Chief Executive and CAF Joint Chair David Nicholson said:

"The 60th anniversary of the NHS has given us an important
opportunity to consider how it volition meet the challenges of the
future. It testament empower both staff and patients by clarifying their
rights. That's why it's so important that we engage with as many
people as possible to consult on the potation Constitution and ensure it
reflects the values of the modern NHS."

The first merging of the CAF took place this month where all members
committed to developing the consultation around the draught
Constitution to ensure the final Constitution reflects the needs of
all involved in the NHS.

The draft NHS Constitution seat be viewed and responded to on-line at:

1. Those involved with the CAF are:

Joint Chairs

David Nicholson - Chief Executive of the NHS

Ivan Lewis MP


Lord Adebowale - CEO, Turning Point

Sally Brearley - Chair, The Patients' Forum

Elisabeth Buggins - Chair, West Midlands SHA

Sir Cyril Chantler - Chair, King's Fund and GOSH

Angela Coulter/Don Redding - Head of Picker Institute

Niall Dickson - CEO, The King's Fund

Anna Dixon - Director of Policy, King's Fund

John Dixon - President, ADASS

Nigel Edwards - Director, NHS Confederation

Steve Field - Chair, RCGP

Sir David Henshaw - Chair, North West SHA

Will Hutton - Chief Executive, The Work Foundation

Karen Jennings - Head of Health, Unison

Sir Ian Kennedy - Chair of HCC

Bill McCarthy - CEO, York City Council

Keith Pearson - Chair, East of England SHA

David Pink - CEO, LTC Alliance

Douglas Smallwood - CEO, Diabetes UK

Clare Chapman - Workforce Director General, Department of Health
Joan Saddler - National Director of Public and Patient Empowerment,
Department of Health

Department of Health, UK

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